Ladderball Rules & Scoring


1)    A Ladderball court shall be a level rectangular area 10 ft wide and a minimum of 30 ft long. The court should consist of two targets (15 feet apart from ladder to ladder), designated tosser boxes, and a foul line. *the foul line is parallel to the ladder

2)    The tossers box is the rectangle 4 ft by 3 ft at each end of the court, parallel and on both sides of the targets. Each contestant must remain in the tossers box while tossing the bolas (2 golf balls attached together with a piece of rope). 

Playing the Game:

1)    Ladderball can be played as doubles or singles. In doubles play two contestants are partners against another team of two contestants; in singles play a contestant competes against another contestant. In doubles play, one member of each team tosses from one ladder and the other member tosses from the other ladder. In singles play, both contestants toss from the same ladder.

2)    In doubles play, the first side of contestants alternate tossing bolas until they have thrown all three, then the remaining contestants continue to alternate in the same manner until all three bolas are delivered.

3)    The contestant who scored last shall toss first in the next round. If neither tosser scores, the contestant who tossed second (last) shall first in the next round.

4)    A foul ball is one which was delivered in non-compliance with one of the rules of the game. It scores as an out and is to be removed from the court before any more tethered balls are tossed. *bolas may not bounce onto the ladder… if this occurs it is considered a foul and does not count.


1)    A bola that is thrown onto the BOTTOM rung of the ladder is worth 1 POINT.

2)    A bola that is thrown onto the MIDDLE rung of the ladder is worth 2 POINTS.

3)    A bola that is thrown onto the TOP rung of the ladder is worth 3 POINTS.

4)    BONUS POINT for getting a bola on all three rungs in one round

5)    The match shall be played until the first team of contestants reaches EXACTLY 21 points at the completion of a round. The winning team does not need to win by two or more points. *If you go over 21 in a round, your points from that round do not count and you must remain at your last score

EXAMPLE: If you start a round with 20 points and after that round of tossing you have 2 points, you must start the next round with 20.

6)    If the match is tied at 21 at the end of a round, play continues until one team or the other achieves a higher score at the end of a round.

7)    In cancellation scoring, tethered balls that land within the FRONT, CENTER, or BACK hole by opponents during a round (or half a round in doubles play) cancel each other out. Only non-cancelled tethered balls are counted in the score for the inning. *If a bola is knocked off a rung, it is NOT to be counted… knocking off bolas is encouraged

EXAMPLE: If you get 1 on the bottom rung and 1 in the middle, you have 3 points. But if, in the same turn, your opponent throws 2 bolas on the middle rung and 1 on the top, they've scored 7 points. The score for that round would be; Them = 4; You = 0.