Cornhole Rules & Scoring 


1) A cornhole court shall be a level rectangular area 10 ft wide and a minimum of 45 ft long. The court should consist of two corn platforms (27 feet apart from front to front), designated pitchers boxes and foul line (the foul line will be parallel to the front of the cornhole platform) 

2) The pitcher's box is the rectangle 4 ft by 3 ft at each end of the court, parallel and on both sides of cornhole platforms. Each contestant must remain in the pitchers box while pitching the corn bag.

Playing the Game: 

1) Cornhole can be played as doubles or singles. In doubles play two contestants are partners against another team of two contestants; in singles play a contestant competes against another contestant. In doubles play, one member of each team pitches from one cornhole platform and the other members pitch from the other cornhole platform. In singles play, both contestants pitch from the same cornhole platform. 

2) In doubles play, the first side of contestants alternate pitching corn bags until they have thrown all four corn bags, then the remaining contestant (pitching from the other cornhole platform) continue to alternate in the same manner until all four corn bags are delivered and the inning completed.  

3) The contestant who scored in the preceding inning shall pitch first in the next inning. If neither pitcher scores, the contestant who pitched second (last) in the preceding inning shall pitch first in the next inning. 

4) A foul corn bag is a corn bag which was delivered in non-compliance with one of the rules of the game. It scores as a corn bag out of the count and is to be removed from the cornhole court before any more corn bags are pitched. Corn bags already in the court that have been knocked into foul territory by a foul corn bag should be returned to the scoring area, including a bag that may have been knocked into the hole. 


1) A corn bag which is thrown through the hole or is knocked in by another player is worth 3 POINTS  

2)A corn bag that lands with any portion of the bag resting on the platform is worth 1 POINT.  

3)*For a corn bag to be worth any points, it must not touch the ground prior to coming to rest on the platform (or in the hole). If a corn bag touches the ground, it is a foul and must be removed from the platform prior to the continuation of play.  

4) A corn bag which comes to rest anywhere except the platform or in the hole has no scoring value.  

5) The cornhole match shall be played until the first team of contestants reaches (or exceeds) 21 points at the completion of an inning. The winning team does not need to win by two or more points. 

6) The cornhole match can never end in the middle of an inning. Thus, if a team that pitches first reaches or exceeds 21 points, the game can not end until the other side is allowed to pitch all of their corn bags and the inning is completed. 

7) If the cornhole match is tied at 21 or more at the end of an inning, play continues until one team or the other achieves a higher score at the end of an inning and wins the match. 

8) In cancellation scoring, corn bags in-the-hole and corn bags in-the-count pitched by opponents during an inning or half of an inning in doubles play cancel each other out. Only non cancelled corn bags are counted in the score for the inning. Example: If you get 1 in the hole and 2 on the board, you have 5 points. But if, in the same turn, your opponent throws 2 bags through the hole and 1 on the board, they've scored 7 points. The score for that inning would be; Them = 2; You = 0.